XTRAN Example — Filter "Natural" Code on Statement Type, Display as HTML
We have created a set of XTRAN rules that filter a body of code based on one or more statement types and display the results as HTML, indented according to each statement's code nesting level.
The rules comprise 163 non-comment code lines of XTRAN meta-code (rules language). They read a text file of statement verbs and corresponding filter names, so the filtering process can be customized by editing that text file.
The rules are language-independent, so they can be used to filter and display any language XTRAN can analyze.
After reading the filter descriptions, the rules repeatedly prompt the user for a filter name and add the results of that filter to the output HTML file.
This example filters Natural code to display data declaration statements only.
The input to and output from XTRAN are untouched, except that line numbers have been added to the Natural code for reference.
Process Flowchart
Here is a flowchart for this process, in which the elements are color coded:
- BLUE for XTRAN versions (runnable programs)
- ORANGE for XTRAN rules (text files)
- RED for
code - PURPLE for text data files

Input to XTRAN:
1 0010 DEFINE DATA 2 0020 LOCAL 3 0030 1 #CATCH (A9) 4 0040 1 #TEST (A9) 5 0050 1 REDEFINE #TEST 6 0060 2 #T-A (A1/9) 7 0070 1 #NUM (N6.2) 8 0080 1 #PIDX (N2) 9 0090 1 #SHOW (A9) 10 0100 END-DEFINE 11 0110 * 12 0120 SET KEY ALL 13 0130 * 14 0140 PROG. 15 0150 REPEAT 16 0160 INPUT (AD=MDLT'_') #CATCH #TEST (AD=OI) #NUM(AD=OI) #SHOW(AD=OI) 17 0170 IF *PF-KEY = 'PF3' 18 0180 ESCAPE BOTTOM(PROG.) 19 0190 END-IF 20 0200 * 21 0210 MOVE RIGHT #CATCH TO #TEST 22 0220 EXAMINE #TEST FOR ' ' REPLACE WITH '0' 23 0230 * 24 0240 REPEAT 25 0250 EXAMINE #TEST FOR '.' GIVING POSITION IN #PIDX 26 0260 DECIDE ON FIRST VALUE #PIDX 27 0270 VALUE 0 28 0280 IF SUBSTR(#TEST,1,3) = '000' 29 0290 MOVE ' ' TO SUBSTR(#TEST,1,3) 30 0300 MOVE LEFT #TEST TO #TEST 31 0310 COMPRESS #TEST '.00' INTO #TEST LEAVING NO SPACE 32 0320 ESCAPE TOP 33 0330 END-IF 34 0340 REINPUT 'Value too large' 35 0350 VALUES 1:6 36 0360 MOVE ' ' TO SUBSTR(#TEST,9,1) 37 0370 MOVE RIGHT #TEST TO #TEST 38 0380 EXAMINE #TEST FOR ' ' REPLACE WITH '0' 40 0390 VALUES 8:9 41 0400 IF SUBSTR(#TEST,1,1) NE '0' 42 0410 REINPUT 'Value out of range' 43 0420 END-IF 44 0430 MOVE ' ' TO SUBSTR(#TEST,1,1) 45 0440 MOVE LEFT #TEST TO #TEST 46 0450 COMPRESS #TEST '0' INTO #TEST LEAVING NO SPACE 47 0460 MOVE RIGHT #TEST TO #TEST 48 0470 NONE 49 0480 ESCAPE BOTTOM 50 0490 END-DECIDE 51 0500 END-REPEAT 52 0510 * 53 0520 IF #TEST = MASK(NNNNNN.NN) 54 0530 COMPUTE #NUM = VAL(#TEST) 55 0540 ELSE 56 0550 RESET #NUM 57 0560 END-IF 58 0570 MOVE EDITED #NUM (EM=ZZZZZ9.99) TO #SHOW 59 0580 END-REPEAT /* (PROG.) 60 0590 END
Output from XTRAN (HTML):
1 DEFINE DATA 2 LOCAL 3 <decl> 4 <decl> 5 <decl> 6 <decl> 7 <decl> 8 <decl> 9 <decl>