XTRAN Example — Manipulate Dependency Trees



Software engineers often encounter dependency tree situations, in which some entities depend on others.  In other words, some entities (invokers) invoke other entities (invokees), thereby forming a dependency tree.  Some examples:

In all three cases, an invokee can itself be an invoker — an included file can itself include files, a called function can itself call functions, and a macro can itself invoke macros.  This creates indirect (and potentially recursive) dependencies as well as direct ones.

Sometimes you want to find out which entities depend on which other entities.  For instance, suppose you change an included file, and you want to find out which modules need to be recompiled.  This requires that you find not only direct dependencies, but indirect ones as well.

The following demonstrations used an XTRAN rule set ("meta-code") to determine, given a set of dependencies and a set of invokees, all of those invokees' invokers.

The rules first read invoker/invokee dependency information, which is typically extracted from a body of code automatically, using XTRAN code analysis rules. These rules then read a list of invokees to do, analyze the dependency tree, and output the names of those invokees' invokers.  They offer the following options:

These rules comprise 144 non-comment lines of meta-code, and were created and debugged in about six hours.  (That's right, only six hours!)

Note that in these examples, the entities are modules, or included files, or people.  But they could also be functions or any other type of entity.  Since the XTRAN rules are language-independent, they can be used to analyze any kind of dependency, for any language (or no language at all).

Since these XTRAN rules read and parse only text, we use a version of XTRAN that has a parser for its own rules language, but not for any other language.

How can such powerful and generalized data manipulation be automated in only 6 hours and 144 lines of XTRAN rules?  Because there is so much capability already available as part of XTRAN's rules language.  These rules take advantage of the following functionality:

Scenario 1:  Include file dependencies

Suppose your code has the following include tree:

We have used an existing set of XTRAN code analysis rules to automatically extract this information from the code in the following form:


We then specify to the XTRAN rules that we want all direct and indirect dependencies for include1 and include3.  Since we're only interested in modules that must be recompiled, we also tell XTRAN to suppress output of entities whose names start with include.

Process Flowchart

Here is a flowchart for this process, in which the elements are color coded:

process flowchart

Output from XTRAN:


Note that the rules picked up module4 as an indirect dependency of include1, via include4.

Scenario 2:  Module/function calling tree

Suppose you're changing a function's calling sequence, and you want a list of all modules that call that function.  Here's your module/function calling tree:

You have used a set of XTRAN code analysis rules to automatically extract this information from the code in the following form:


You now ask the XTRAN rules for all modules that call function2 and function4.  Note that in this case we specify only direct (not indirect) dependencies.

Process Flowchart

Here is a flowchart for this process, in which the elements are color coded:

process flowchart

Output from XTRAN:


Scenario 3:  Genealogy

And finally, just to show that these XTRAN rules can handle any kind of dependency information, suppose your family tree is, as far as you know it:

We represent this dependency information as follows:


We now ask the XTRAN rules for all of your ancestors, both direct and indirect, showing the lineage in each case.

Process Flowchart

Here is a flowchart for this process, in which the elements are color coded:

process flowchart

Output from XTRAN:

Harry -> Tom -> Elizabeth -> me
Jane -> Tom -> Elizabeth -> me
Tom -> Elizabeth -> me
Mary -> Elizabeth -> me
Elizabeth -> me
Albert -> me